Interesting. Was watching a Russian news show and after showing evacuations in Mariupol of civilians and their testimonies of being attacked by their own (Azov), she said "the more people we rescue, the more witnesses we have for the military tribunals awaiting these people." Could this be the military tribunals we're actually waiting for? Post Ukraine war, that will shed light on everything? Up until this point it seems like we've been waiting for military tribunals to take place here, in the US, but I dont see a catalyst here that would cause one. However, what if after the war in Ukraine they have military tribunals in Russia and those will be the catalyst for putting the Bidens, Hillary, etc. away. All the awful stuff that was going on in Ukraine (biolabs research, genocide, trafficking, etc) could come out to the masses that way and cause military courts here to take action. Just a thought.
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The only thing about tribunals in Russia is the media will spin it as the "evil Russians" convicting innocent Ukrainians...wiping out any truth. The world would still be in the dark.
I agree with that also, but maybe evidence will come to light that would cause tribunals here?