In my humble opinion, that isn't advisable. You risk charges of fraud and could have charges of endangering your child. Just say no. Home school. Create a homeschool co-op with people you trust.
My brother has a 7-year old. She is officially unschooled. She is guided by parents and grandparents, and loves learning, and has already exceeded the standards for her grade level. He wasn't sure what to do with school closings, so he did nothing, especially nothing related to screen-school. But she learned anyway. Obviously someone needs to be there, but ... it's another option that is rarely mentioned. Also not vaxed. LAUSD area, but opting out.
Search for a school that does not mandate vaccines. Homeschool if there just is not one. Hiring private tutors to come in from various private learning centers means you get great teachers who do the job to the best of their ability. Every kid whose mom did this - hired private learning center tutors got into top colleges and had screamingly high SATs.
In my humble opinion, that isn't advisable. You risk charges of fraud and could have charges of endangering your child. Just say no. Home school. Create a homeschool co-op with people you trust.
Why not simply file a religious exemption?
California doesn’t have that anymore…
You can't identify as vaxed and then call them a groomer if they don't accept it?
My brother has a 7-year old. She is officially unschooled. She is guided by parents and grandparents, and loves learning, and has already exceeded the standards for her grade level. He wasn't sure what to do with school closings, so he did nothing, especially nothing related to screen-school. But she learned anyway. Obviously someone needs to be there, but ... it's another option that is rarely mentioned. Also not vaxed. LAUSD area, but opting out.
Search for a school that does not mandate vaccines. Homeschool if there just is not one. Hiring private tutors to come in from various private learning centers means you get great teachers who do the job to the best of their ability. Every kid whose mom did this - hired private learning center tutors got into top colleges and had screamingly high SATs.