posted ago by aumone ago by aumone +30 / -0

After many hours of getting po'd at ads, I finally downloaded ad blocker.

It was amazing...I no longer had to wait while Rumple loaded ads. I can link to websites and can actually read the article without popups. It has been a time of beauty.

I no longer had to watch ad after ad after ad populate my news articles.

And then, a few websites refused my access unless I disabled my adblocker.

I realize many of these websites think they need to place their ads because they are being paid to do so. But I have my own thoughts...and just for $hits and Giggles how many of you actually click on any link popping up on the website? In the past 20 years I can count on one hand how many times I clicked on a link and in doing so, did NOT buy what they were pushing.

So what I do is highlight the title of the article and do a search - and what do you know? There are many websites that will post the article without demanding I shut down my ad blocker.

Just saying, folks.....just sharing.