I have had this on my brain for months and im finally getting it to yours...
I have had two good friends who have shared years and years of infertility. Both set of friends, unfortunately, are on the other side of the playing field with C19 and signed up to get stabbed asap. Within months - PREGNANT.
Anyone else had this situation occur with friends and/or family? There has to be some sort of connection.
One of the weirdest outcomes of the clotshots so far. All indications are that the spike proteins for some reason concentrate and cluster around the sexual organs, so could they fight off pre-existing inflammation or damage to the fallopian tubes or uterus?
I guess it all depends on the reasons for infertility specific to each woman. And whether it will be just as negative to carrying a full-term and healthy pregnancy as the jab is to people with no prior fertility problems, since it also seems to attack the placenta and cause very high rates of miscarriage.