My first post, noticed yesterday that on the Official McAfee Telegram channel, started posting again.
Below is what was posted from 3:33am, 4/9. Could >>>11.4 be 4/11 (mirror). 10 days of Darkness. Soros was making mention of the internet today. Thoughts?
Here Comes My Beloved; My Beloved is mine and IAM his; he browses among the lilies, perfumed with Myrrh… The First & The Last. Those who know > Already Know>>>
11.4 The Blind See and the Dead Walk… The End is Here. Do you Believe in God? When the Last Trump’et blasts there is No going Back. Why?
Death is an {I}llusion. 2 Woes remain: Again {A}gain. 66 Hours< Diamonds are Forever… One Diamond remains. <>Mirror Mirror on the Wall<> Who is The Lion and the Lamb? He is my Eternity: IAM his Forever… My Beloved who sits at the Right Hand: He is the Feather: The Word: Come Quickly My Lord of Eternity: Saving the Best for Last, Together Again at Last. Pray. Forevermore. Alice & Wonderland.
I thought about it and with Palm Sunday being tomorrow, we are entering the Holy Week, as there is a lot of reference to Holy Week.
The 11.4 was the closest piece I could come to as a date, since that is this Monday (depending on Time Zone). I wanted to throw this out there to gets others take.