Two weeks! When will the arrests start? Hebrews 12:1 "Let us run the race that is laid out before us." Start winning, even if it's only yourself! Me, I'm day 23 sober today—I've thrown alcohol in GITMO. Trust in God. And believe in yourself. We struggle together, and WE WILL WIN, TO GET HER!

I gave up over 14 years ago. Every year I find improvements in my health and brain.
I'm with you there. I'm over 10. Never looked back. Seen too many bad things happen because of the stuff with friends and family to ever think of touching it again.
November 17, 2022 will be 20 years. Dittos on health and brain. Hang in OP, it will pay the benefits you are expecting. Stay strong.
Well, that is something to turn your sadness into gladness
...gave it up 5-6 yrs ago, best thing I ever did, all it ever did was waist my money, get me in trouble and look like a fool
Yes it does! That is why it is one of satan’s greatest tools of destruction.