METFORMIN. Made by Merck, sold as Glucophage. Another possible miracle drug? My struggle with alcohol became BAD over the past five years. I'm not diabetic (tho diabetes runs in my family), but taking this every night has helped me kick the bottle FOR GOOD. Anyone else? TRY THIS if you need it!
I am Diabetic. I have been on Metformin. I have never struggled with alcohol, but I have to admit that we've dated quite a bit over the years. There was some heavy petting going on after college before I got married.
My appetite for alcohol has been an ounce or two a night before dinner-- no more. It's been that way for decades. I'm right now on the max dose of Metformin, and I can say that I have never seen any changes for my passing desire for my evening cocktail. My glucose is well regulated, and so a little nip before dinner doesn't seem to hurt my morning readings.
What I will say is that Metformin seems to be a drug with all sorts of interesting side benefits. Study up. This may be the first real longevity drug that is available to the masses.
Yes. I'm aware that some of the top experts in the field of longevity take it themselves