METFORMIN. Made by Merck, sold as Glucophage. Another possible miracle drug? My struggle with alcohol became BAD over the past five years. I'm not diabetic (tho diabetes runs in my family), but taking this every night has helped me kick the bottle FOR GOOD. Anyone else? TRY THIS if you need it!

I'm glad it works for you. Will not work for everyone. The side effects developed over time for me, and I've tried empty stomach, full stomach, morning only, night only, etc... I really wanted it to work for me.
Have you tried rectally?
That’s what I do, but only 500 mg. Only take if you can head to the bathroom though or after you empty your gut out. I add a little water. I’m very, very stubborn when it comes to my health though and after five years you can tell.
My baby sister is 4 years younger and she’s pissed. She’s now taking it. Maintaining your blood sugar will age you less rapidly.