I made a video in an attempt to explain this. However, it's long and discorded so I'll lay out the basis here, as well. I'm working on the next video to continue fleshing out this theory. Amongst so many revelations Q guided us to, there may be one primary, vital message buried within his codex. A message that would be difficult or near impossible to piece together without proper context.
Proper context. An axiom of Q he reiterated numerous times. You must have the right clock and map to make sense of what he was trying to tell us. Otherwise, without proper context it would make little or no sense. As has been the case for many of his post. Even till this day. There has been a lot of great work done so far and it has led to incredible understanding and discoveries but I couldn't help but think there was more. There had to be. In the past few weeks, I obsessed over this. Combined with his emphasis of just how truly massive and biblical this is, I began to dig. Focused on thinking outside the box. Another guidance he stressed.
After several days of digging on the families, coat of arms, and mountains of symbolism, I found my way into the Babylonian and Sumerian cultures. Symbolism abound, strong ties to the constellations and the Fallen became obvious. A fascinating and somewhat horrifying tale of Fallen angels worshiped through the ages by the dark families and civilizations, marred in the blood of ritualistic sacrifice that spans multiple societies over the ages.
A trail of carnage and machination that eventually revealed a critical aspect by which the elite have been planning and ruling empires for eons: The lunisolar calendar. A calendar based on both lunar and solar cycles, it depends heavily on eclipses to mark crucial aspects of time. As I delved into this clock more, and began to plug it into my Q research, a realization dawned on me. This, the time piece by which the dark families, secret societies, and elite have governed the masses for thousands of years, may also be tracking something far more important. An impeding apex predator of our solar system. What I theorize to be Q's primary message.
Again, without proper context this will simply sound like insane ramblings, I know. Yet when one researches Q with this clock and it's eclipses as context. Along with the reinforcement of a space based frame of mind, further aided by the constellation map ( a lot of symbolism in Q unlocks with this map.) A theory begins to manifest.
I believe it is possible that Q is trying to tell us that something on an ancient orbit, possibly around 13k or 6k+ years, is heading this way. I believe it's arrival possibly coincides with a very important eclipse of 2033 yet we could see this object in the sky years prior, in the form of a red star in the sky. I suspect this object could be a Y class brown dwarf, slightly larger than Jupiter and multiple agencies are actively looking for it, as we speak. Or they've already found it. I also believe the US military, in conjunction with other militaries around the world, are in the process of building either an arc of some sort, some form of countermeasure, or both.
Either way, I suspect this object will pass close enough to our solar system that it will, to put it mildly, reset the surface. The dark families know about this and in preparation, have been planning for it's arrival. Ergo, the absolutely insane current state of affairs is not just due to a massive power grab by globalists but some deeper, more nefarious scheme possibly related to more esoteric, biblical aspects involving the Fallen.
Whatever their plan was, I believe the US military's plan, with Trump at the helm, has thwarted it. Now we just have to deal with the impending doom of the return of this system's binary star. Keep in mind though I have high confidence the core of this theory is correct, I have only been working on this for less than a fortnight. So there are still a lot of holes, I probably got a lot of the details wrong, and a great deal of conjecture is involved. Nonetheless, by applying this context, the Q drops light up like a Christmas tree. Pointing to this inevitability.
Of course, with extraordinary claims must come extraordinary proof so I will now present some of my digs, thus far. Fair warning. If you're not familiar with Q and his cryptic methods, you likely will not see this as plausible. For those that are familiar with Q, I hope this inspires you enough to dig within this frame of mind and see if you can further confirm my suspicions. I'll rehash points I cover in the video first, then add on from there. I'll leave the importance of the calendar and the 2033 eclipse to the video because it's rather extensive. I can cover it at length in another post or video however if enough think it should be.
⦁Now on to some Q post to build this theory. I'll cover several now than a more in the next video where we'll also tie in the keystone and the map with more symbolism. In post 102, Q drops some coordinates for us. Those coordinates take you to a street in the Philippines. At the time, one of the only major connections anyone could make was something to do with a Japanese military extraction. This was covered in post 115, and though correct, I don't think it was the primary purpose of post 102. Post 115 is also the first post of a 17th day, but according to the Hebrew calendar. Vital Q symbolism. By applying the lunisolar calendar, I took note of this post. I knew because it was the first 17th day post in this ancient calendar, the real clock, it was going to have something important in it. https://qagg.news/?q=%23%23102%2C+115
⦁So after tweaking the search, I came across a very interesting paper that had these exact coordinates within. It's a thesis for an MIT masters on the crosslinking of small satellite constellations or something called SPRINT. Specifically, Earth observation missions but we also have multiple satellites looking outwards for incoming threats. It's extremely difficult to see asteroids in deep orbit but cross linking multiple satellites together could potentially make for a much stronger observation system. Further research also shows SPRINT is likely being used with Starlink and a number of other satellites. https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/122513
⦁Another small clue in this post dealing with an arc. In this thesis, the author thanks several people. Including a certain Jeremy Frank from NASAs Ames Research Center... Or ARC. An interesting acronym considering the frame of reference we're using. ARC pops up a lot down the road.
⦁On to the next post. Post 229. Another gem that may not have made much sense in 2017 because certain events hadn't occurred yet. It's primarily a long list of 43 stringers with the word FREEDOM in them. Didn't make any sense to me years ago but after some digging, again in the right frame of mind, I stumbled across an interesting coincidence. First, I discovered 43 starlink satellites at an inclination of 97.6 degrees, planned for a near polar orbit. Dug a little more and discovered something truly amazing. In an FCC letter dealing with the requested clearance to put these satellites in orbit, there was a section that included declarations of entities in favor or against the authorization. The only person in favor of the order was an elementary school teacher from Utqiagvik, Alaska. A town I'd seen in earlier research. According to the wiki on the 2033 eclipse, Utqiagvik is one of only 3 places you can see the 2033 eclipse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse_of_March_30,_2033
⦁Now what are the chances of such a unique town popping up in an order dealing with satellites referenced by Q? A town of significant importance in relation to potentially, one of the most important eclipses in history. Another Q coincidence? https://fcc.report/IBFS/SAT-MOD-20200417-00037/3413379
⦁On to the next post. Post 2661. An interesting post that alludes to the keystone and the perilous nature of the cycle. It states, " A stone sits idle while the world around it evolves. Evolution, depending on the stage, can be deadly." Another example of the importance of proper context. In relation to the clock, the polar star seemingly sits idle while the world and the stars evolve around it. Evolution, depending on the stage, is deadly. Referring to the cycles and how eventually, these cycles can prove deadly. Is Q alluding to the cycle currently about to end? One that if it's in sync with the cataclysm of 13k years ago, could indeed prove extremely deadly. He then goes on to state the clock is ticking…
⦁Then we have related proof that spans multiple post. There's several of these. For instance, Q's reference to 40kft. Like post 144 where he states, " 40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events." or post 228 where he says, "40,000ft. followed by (8, 7, 6, 5......)." Possibly referring to a ticking clock? There's at least 5 post that refer to 40k feet and it's important for understanding what's really going on. Let's see what flies around 40k feet in relation to this context. Interesting. Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy or SOFIA. A modified 747 fitted with an 8 foot telescope designed for infrared. Perfect spectrum for hunting deep orbital bodies. And it operates at 41+k feet. Interesting, indeed.
⦁Also possibly related to SOFIA is the phrase Midnight Riders. Obviously related to Paul Revere, It also takes on a whole new meaning when you consider SOFIA has to fly at night in order to operate its telescope. There's even a post, post 4808, where Q links an image from a researcher from a popular air traffic monitoring site. The researcher is referring to another plane but that doesn't mean Q isn't throwing us a SOFIA bone here. The post includes Midnight Rider and Nightwatch. Oh, also the SOFIA Science Center is based out of Ames Research Center. Or ARC. https://www.sofia.usra.edu/
⦁You have several other post related to the map, that is the constellation map, that further reinforces the space borne nature of this theory. The map also ties in heavily to the families and is a watershed of symbolism. It is critical for making better sense of the ages and who the dark families really worship. The Fallen. The symbolism in that will blow your mind. We'll cover that later. The map ties in all over the Q post. For instance, post 1402. Q says, " #64. Puzzle coming together? We have reached our cruising altitude of 40k get long ago. As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position." Let's check out the 64. Well would you look at that. We used to have an aircraft carrier called the USS Constellation. Nomenclature CV-64. 64 and talking about landing? As in landing on an aircraft carrier? In conjunction with 40k feet, alluding to SOFIA? Are they looking for something? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Constellation_(CV-64)
I'm running out space for this post but there is a lot more. I believe the Artemis program is heavily involved in preparing either an arc or countering the object and Q references Artemis in numerous ways. Phase 5 has plans for putting men on the south pole of the moon and I suspect it's related. I estimate it's a Y class brown dwarf because of the numerous time's Q referenced [y], in relation to other clues. I promise I will elaborate on this at length in the coming week. I'm just exhausted from putting the video together today as it was my first time. Remember, context is key. I know I didn't provide a mountain of evidence yet but hopefully enough for others to start using this frame of mind to piece more of this puzzle together. He wasn't kidding when he said nothing can stop what is coming. Thank you for your patience and happy hunting
It's my pleasure.