posted ago by DonSpectacularis ago by DonSpectacularis +90 / -3

It's the code that cracketh the matrix. The file that corrupts the system.

The breakthrough, the revolution, and the gamechanger.

For once known, it can never ever be un-known.

Best known as: E-I-E-I-O

Allow me to illustrate it with a truly simple example...

Imagine the life of a guy. Comes to work late one day thanks to a traffic jam that he had absolutely nothing to do with. And, instead of being compassionate towards him and understanding of his plight, his boss decides to scream at him instead. And that's that. Everyone goes back to their desks and the story ends.


This guy then drives back home. And since he's already in a sour mood, ends up flipping off a couple of other car drivers too --- ruining their moods (and whole days) in the process. Then he reaches his home. His wife's made him an amazing dinner that night. Steak, cake, and a not-from-the-yard milk-shake. The whole buffet, if you will. But having had his fill of pure salt for the day instead, the man is unable to see even as much as a shred of his wife's love, her hard work, or even her truly caring efforts towards him. Instead, he snaps at her for some random meaningless reason. Great. Now her mood and day have been ruined too.

If only it all had just stopped there...

Now his wife goes and checks her kids' (exam) grade reports instead to have a change of scenery. Turns out Timmy's got an A and Hannah's got a D. Well, not only did Hannah choose a poor day to get that D, even Timmy had the misfortune of not getting an A+ or an O on that fateful day. Both get scolded (for academic as well as other unrelated reasons) by their (now) pissed off mom.

Timmy and Hannah continue to let off steam and spread negativity all around town accordingly (be it at school or elsewhere) over the next week or so.

But even that's not where it all even really ends...

Because you see, the very universe in which we all live is VERY MUCH SO ALIVE. All sentient to some degree or another, even though we don't always see it all too easily with our own eyes. For remember, not too very long ago in our own recorded history, even plants were considered as being "non-living" just because they appeared to be all stationary.

So then, here's what also took place during the course of This. Very. Story...

The very trees all around town absorbed these people's endless streams of negativity as they walked towards their schools and drove towards their (respective) offices. The wind carried it, and so did the waters. It seeped into the soils and added all of its negative-energetic overloads into the very food that was being grown in the said soil. This in turn affected all of the foodgrains and fruits growing in that area (and even elsewhere). This in turn also lowered the very quality of the soil itself.

The said negativity was captured by the ethers and transmitted through the very skies; and all throughout the very length and breadth of our beloved planet, that too. And many upon the world who cursed chemtrails at length and made enchanting powerpoint presentations in school about the many dangers of radiation poisoning, all contributed greatly to the cause of spreading negativity all across the planet through but their thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, actions, and other forms of *unrecognized negativity alone.

And now, go multiply the effects of this situation, by taking into account EVERYONE that EACH of these people INDIVIDUALLY crossed or passed on the street, drove past, flipped off, or what-else-have-you.

Which brings us all yet again to our code. The great secret. The grand understanding that has been endlessly hidden away from humanity by the powers-that-were. The realization that changes absolutely everything:

E-I-E-I-O: "Everything's Inseperable. Everything Is ONE."


And the sooner that you even really realize this the faster our very world begins to change, and VERY MUCH SO for the better at that.

The next time you think a THOUGHT, say a WORD, or take an ACTION --- just take a quick moment to think and CONSIDER as to just HOW MANY you'll even end up AFFECTING accordingly...

...and all around the very PLANET at THAT, either POSITIVELY, OR NEGATIVELY!

This is not just about some "Karma" or whatever. Instead, it is about the sheer POWER that you hold over the rest of creation itself, and the sheer RESPONSIBILITY of wielding the said limitless power WISELY.

Sure you can "repent" all you want --- but can your hands un-slap a person you've just slapped because you couldn't get your volatile AF emotions under control?

Sure some God or Master or Messiah or Jesus can "forgive you" for your sins or whatever, but can it bring back the rage that you endlessly rippled out throughout the universe (in turn triggering God-only-knows-how-many messed up situations, violence, murders, and potentially what-else-have-yous) in but ONE brief moment of un-compassionate behaviour?

What if your thought, word, action or intention was the trigger that led to somebody losing their very source of livelihood, somebody getting domestically abused, or somebody straight up getting killed or brutally murdered?

What if your little domestic argument was the "inspiration" that got innocent little kids next door to witness yet another violent and disturbing fight between their own parents that night?

WHAT IF the Butterfly Effect wasn't just another fancy little "theory?"

NOT ONE OF US can ever really take back what we've already put out there into our worlds, so there's absolutely no use whatsoever in crying about it all now. But we can indeed choose to LEARN and GROW from it all. And we can indeed choose to DO BETTER. And we most certainly can choose to EXEMPLIFY THIS KNOWING in our VERY LIVES, and also SHARE IT with whoever seems interested enough to LISTEN!

Our world's schools and colleges train us in the many sciences of debating one another, but never in the subtle and tasteful arts of being diplomatic. We're taught to value Domination and Dastardliness over Discussions and Dialogue. And the one C-word that you'd be a real cunt to even as much as dare utter is Compromise.

Here, we are taught Counting before Kindness, Competition before Compassion, and Faggotry before Forgiveness.

Is it any wonder then, that it's all a big SHIT-SHOW?

It's about time that parents upon our world didn't just stop at teaching their kids to "be good", but also explained to them as to how it all even works mechanically. And then, actually PRACTICED what they PREACHED --- because the very last people that a child will ever care to emulate are, well, lying and disingenuous parents.

There's a damn good REASON why Q talks SO. VERY. MUCH. about things such as "bridging fake and manufactured divisions," "coming together as ONE" and "UNITY."

Because indeed, where we go as ONE, we do indeed go as ALL.

Imagine a world in which all are truly ONE --- where German engineering meets Japanese inventiveness, South American shamanism meets Indian spirituality, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu meets New Zealand's Haka, African traditions meet Chinese medicine, and Canadian politeness meets American sincerity. What a world would that even be!

There's a damn good reason our world has a SUPER famous book titled The Art Of War, and not one titled The Art Of Love.

So now, let's go change the world TOGETHER, one IMPACTFUL Thought, Word, Feeling, Action, Intention, and Emotion at a TIME!

Do SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD AROUND (using whatever means you so HAVE at your disposal!) in case this article truly, deeply, RESONATES!