Watch The Water! Share this With EVERYONE!!
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
Ya want to know what the Corona Virus may be, and how they got everyone?! Just premiered on Rumble! Trump wasn’t telling us to watch the ocean. He possibly literally wanted us to Watch The Water!! As in this documentary Watch The Water! I just finished and am stunned and upset… But educating y’all is more important. Dig in Anons.
So, the vaccine and Remdisivir and reason for going after monoclonals and HydroxyQ all make perfect sense to me as part of that venom theory. Can someone help me with the part that doesn't make sense, which is how people are being exposed in the first place? Because I know people where a traveling spouse got sick a day after coming home, tests positive for it, and 5 days later the wife and kids are all ill and test positive for it. If what we're calling Covid-19 is just venom itself, it wouldn't make sense to me that close contact would spread it. And as far as I know snake venom doesn't give people flu symptoms like the sore throat and the congestion.
There are 12,346 genes that constitute the venom-ome, and this included 139 toxin genes of which 19 were designated as VSTs based on their venom-gland-specific expression.
Say all I want are the 139 toxin genes. I take those and test each one on a rat. I then take the ones that I want to spread and clone them. I want it to appear to be like the common cold or the flu. I take the gene sequence of the common cold and the gene sequence of the flu and I bind them with the ones that I cloned from the toxin venom genes. Thats gain of function, the explain like I'm five version.
So I re-watched the video to find the part that was confusing me. At 44:35 into the video he literally says, "They are using krait and cobra venom, calling it Covid-19, you're drinking it, it's getting it into your brain stem". That might suggest what they've created isn't able to spread person to person, because if it was what was the point about the water and drinking it?
Yeah, that's the only part in the video that doesn't make sense to me. It's definitely spreading person to person. What the previous person said made more sense, that it's gain of function research and they bound it to the cold or flu. On the other hand the waste water testing doesn't make sense to me either in the sense that I'm well aware that the CDC is doing it, but their explanation doesn't make sense to me.
The whole water thing seemed either forced or an afterthought.