Calling this "the God gene" is scientific sensationalism. There are drugs out now that act on the receptor the gene encodes: VMAT2 inhibitors. They're used for a very specialized purpose of correcting tardive dyskinesia or Huntington's chorea (the characteristic "dancing" symptom).
Whoever wrote this blog doesn't understand the physiology he's attempting to write about. He's misinterpreting old research without adding context of newer, more reliable data.
Calling this "the God gene" is scientific sensationalism. There are drugs out now that act on the receptor the gene encodes: VMAT2 inhibitors. They're used for a very specialized purpose of correcting tardive dyskinesia or Huntington's chorea (the characteristic "dancing" symptom).
Drug class entry at
Whoever wrote this blog doesn't understand the physiology he's attempting to write about. He's misinterpreting old research without adding context of newer, more reliable data.