So, this is the FBI we are supposed to trust?
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The FBI has always acted as the foot soldiers of the Elite. J Edgar Hoover was a psychopathic, tranny, blackmailing PoS. His agents were mostly corrupt. At least the ones at the top. Like the Clowns_in_America, it needs to be shut down and scattered to the winds.
I was asleep for way too long. Some days are really rough. To know just how corrupt our country is makes my heart so heavy. I know a lot of you on here have known these truths for a long long time. God bless all of you for staying in this fight.
Waking up to the truth is never an easy ride. Believing comforting lies is the alternative. And that, despite its ease, is not how one grows a soul. We learn some lessons through suffering and pain. Our own or that of others.
Take care, Patriot. God and truth wins in the end.
Thanks fren.
Don't play their game. Hoover had a kink where he liked to dress in women's clothes. That was his perversion.
Not playing anyone's game. You must be under 40. Back in my day we called men who dressed like women trannies. In secret or out in the open.
I guess it means more than that today. Like when a guy puts on women's clothing, makeup, and tucks his junk in, he's an actual woman.
Hoover was a weirdo pervert. No doubt about it.
I'm over sixty, buddy.
We all heard about Hoover wearing dresses. Never heard he sucked dick or liked men.
Back in my day, we understood the difference between someone with a kink fetish and someone who legitimately felt they needed gender reassignment surgery.
These days people think their kink/fetishes totally define their sexuality. Its why many who get surgery later regret it.
Their brains no longer find it kinky and starts to look for the next thing which will get them off. For some people, they start becoming attracted to children.
There was a good chance Hoover and his assistant were a thing. Either way one looks at it, Hoover was a corrupt creep with an addictive kink that he tried very hard to hide. Never married or had a girlfriend.
If you're really over 60, stop being rude to a fellow Patriot who differs in opinions as to what constitutes perversion. I think pornography and kinks are not good for the mental health of individuals as it exploits addictive behavior and denigrates natural, loving sex between a man and a woman. Your mileage may vary.
Well, Bless your heart. I'll bet you have loads of friends and your family loves you so much with that attitude. Not gonna answer after this. Just checked your profile, saw some of your posts, and it looks like I'm not the only one here you try to jack with.
time to dismantle the fbi. when it happens, a void will be left and federal law should mandate that no former fbi agents or officials should be allowed a position in what ever agency replaces the fbi. there is plenty of room for those corrupt bastards to go to other agencies and be bureaucrats there.
From then on all FBI employees (from the top down) must submit to a lie detector test 4 times a year.
I don’t trust anyone but GOD, and perhaps all this has been brought to light so all his children will put their trust in him.
So true. With all of the darkness spilling in I feel God in my life more and more.
I am just going to throw this out there for consideration. When stories start hitting MSM after years of suppression, I have to ask myself the question, why now? Why are stories coming out lately about the corruption of Federal law enforcement when it has been there for years? Who gains by publicly casting doubt on the credibility of law enforcement? Is all this water being muddied to bring reasonable doubt upon current or future investigations? Is this an angle? If so, then the merits of a cause of action are obfuscated in legal technicality and the public hype surrounding the veracity of a particular investigation(s). Is this then a well planned escape hatch?
I am simply curious if anyone else is thinking along these lines or is it just overactive cynicism.
I think your instincts are spot on. They are trying to get in front of it to as you say muddy the waters and try to control the narrative.
I agree. These people never release stories without a purpose. It is never about actually reporting the news.
The FBI is nothing more than the modern day Nazi SS!
Definitely The USA version of the Gestapo.