Over target, Kushner and Ivanka cash out! PART 2
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Can you show us on the doll where the mods hurt you?
Youre ok with a mod calling a member a shill pos for bringing up a legitimate discussion point?
Either that mod is a horrible human being and has no place here or hes compromised and pushing a narrative/agenda.
But i see that you cant stay on topic and continually spam attack these posts. Why is that? What is your agenda? To derail legitimate discussions? Deported, be gone bot!
I am 110% ok with a mod calling a member a shill, when they shill.
The fact that you think "your discussion" is legitimate, even when refuted, is amusing. You double down on your own ignorance. It shows that you are in fact employing shill tactics.
Kushner receiving 2 bil from the saudi prince is no big deal to you?
Anyway this has gone on long enough. You've spammed and derailed enough in my threads. Enjoy your block.
Kushners company receiving 2 billion dollar investment when is father in law is no longer president. Sure. No. Problem. At. All. Legitimate real estate deals are funded by Saudis all the time.
So sad now, whatever will I do.
... Its just not fair, I want my troll feed back.