Over target, Kushner and Ivanka cash out! PART 2
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That is very interesting.
Seems relevant to this current media attack. Thank you for that dig.
No problem. You did the work and you are strong enough to keep at it with all the hate you got the first time around. Impressive. I still don't have an oppinion but I have less of an oppinion now with your second attempt to get your message across. Good job!
Well thank you for being civil. The way that these bots came out i knew that this had to be something. Im slowly gaining pieces for a part three, that i would like to contain all possible SA, WONDERLAND, and date q drops collectively.
Kushner has always been a strange piece of the puzzle. Everything this guy has done and been involved in has been bad. Soros money, saudis, democrat donor father arrested dirty dem party dealings. There is something to this.
Its hard to believe trump is so deeply connected to someone like this.
Maybe when Q said "they thought wed follow the stars" maybe that meant trump? Boy that would make some heads explode. I dont think that is the case but kushner's role in a strange one.
I'm not sure why but kushners name is familiar sounding to me even before trump ran. Like I'm deff way in over my head adulting cause I'm doing it on my own and I don't think my parents were prepping me to survive on my own to this extent but the challenge is magnificent. I'm living literally across the country by myself driving myself nuts (in the beneficial way) living in a place where people think it's an illness to think! I'm born and raised from long island so I guess maybe that's why these names sound familiar to me because now they are in the national news. I never paid attention to news or even elections. I just like to eat and explore. I got my ballot in the mail in 2016 (I'm in a mail on ballot state) and saw trumps name on it. I got excited and didn't even know why. Knew Trump to be good my entire life. Didnt pay attention until a public service announcement I saw on 12/16/2019 and that public service announcement did a red alert in my head. The teachers mentioned watch out for them. Been paying close attention since. But I still cannot figure out if this has always been the adult world or what but I'm not able to follow your stance only because of the fact Hunter did make the deal and used the Vice President's current resources as a means of personal gain without the American people to gain from it. It's like if his dad wasn't in office would Hunter still have been able to get that deal to manifest?
Kushner and his family have been in real estate in the NY/Jersey area for a long time. Jared Kushner's father Charles was a arrested and convicted of of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering and was sentenced to two years imprisonment involving the democrat party. Charles was a long time democrat party donor. Trump gave him a full pardon.
The kushner family also bought the 666 Fifth Avenue address in NY.
So their name has been in the headlines for a long time now.
Jared made headlines when he became Trump's main advisor with little to no experience.
Your last statement is spot on and relates to this discussion as well. Neither Hunter nor Kushner would have made the deals they made without their fathers political connections. That is corruption.