While I am for a capitalistic free and fair market, look what power and greed lead to (Amazon, Walmart, investment firms, Airlines, legal, and anything else “Big 4” or “Big 6”). One may argue that “large companies have the manpower to innovate” true, but so does an open source platform… probably more efficient and less bureaucratic that way as well. Or “big companies do work in bulk thus making products cheaper or more efficiently” true, though that comes with a price. The price being push out the small guys because the big company can do it cheaper. But when does this “cost and resource saving” efficiency cut into quality? All for an extra raise for the few within the company?
Decentralization would allow for EVERYONE to compete fairly without one single entity holding controls
Open source allows for EVERYONE to help improve and reduces back end fuckery with transparency.
I believe this is why some governments HATE crypto. I also believe that this is the way of the future. Disagree?? State your objections.
It already is. It has been for almost 150 years. The next part of my report will show that. The "not quite yet" is the lie the media tells us to keep us complacent. It is a very big, very long term lie.
It is totalitarian. We live in the illusion of "free speech" etc.
Don't get me wrong, I take your point. I think we do have a semblance of free speech now. But that is only very recently (ThanQ).
For at least 150 years (I assert it is much longer, but I can prove that far), the real information has been suppressed so deep, with programs running in the minds of the brainwashed so strong, that it doesn't matter that we can speak freely, because no one will listen to anything we have to say if it goes against the narrative.
"Free speech" is meaningless in such a situation, but we still believe we are free. It is the Grand Illusion. It is Totalitarianism on a level that is unimaginable until you start digging into the evidence of The Matrix.
Nothing could be further from the Truth. We only live in a more enjoyable. albeit far more insidious, Illusion.