Outcome: 6,000–12,000 children exposed to lead, Public health state of emergency, 79 lawsuits, Several investigations, 4 resignations, 4 firings, 5 suspensions, 15 indicted, 1 found guilty
Convicted: 1 – Corinne Miller -- Sentence: 1 year of probation, 300 hours of community service, and fine of $1,200
The Flint water crisis was a public health crisis that started in 2014 and lasted until 2019, after the drinking water for the city of Flint, Michigan was contaminated with lead and possibly Legionella bacteria, Coliform bacteria, THMs.
In April 2014, during a budget crisis, Flint changed its water source from treated Detroit Water and Sewerage Department water to the Flint River. Residents complained about the taste, smell, and appearance of the water.
Officials failed to apply corrosion inhibitors to the water, which resulted in lead from aging pipes leaching into the water supply, exposing around 100,000 residents to elevated lead levels.
A pair of scientific studies confirmed that lead contamination was present in the water supply. The city switched back to the Detroit water system on October 16, 2015. It later signed a 30-year contract with the new Great Lakes Water Authority on November 22, 2017.
The lead contamination was not in the water supply, otherwise every other city who uses the water supply would have lead contamination as well. When Flint changed their water source, the new water source caused the lead oxide inside of the lead connectors to dissolve away. Then lead began to leach out of the lead connectors into the water. If a corrosion inhibitor had been added to the water when the switch to the new water source was made, then it would have prevented the lead oxide from being dissolved away allowing the lead to then leach into the homes.
The first people to live in these homes experience lead leaching into their drinking water when the houses were first occupied, but over time the lead oxide forms on the inside of the lead connector and prevents any further leaching of the lead. Back when the first residents were there, lead was not tested for.
Thought the river had a very different pH and was causing lead to be leeched from their old lead water pipes, not that the river water was lead contaminated to begin with? Seems quite suspicious
What was the anti-corrosive they were drinking before?