You know you are talking to one very based person when they go off about accommodations demanded by a subset of the population and they themselves are in that subset!
I had that experience this morning. Born with Asperger's and a hearing impairment, this person just went off about the selfishness and laziness of others to expect society to accommodate their flapping or poor social skills. (she did make the distinction of physically being unable to change, or being so "cognitively impaired" that you can't.)
So no, she doesn't think she's special because she's different. Of course, there is pride in having high iq and that sort of thing, but leveraging your difficulties to get anything from others is absolutely abhorrent to her. BEAUTIFUL.
Takes healthy adjustment to a whole new level.
Thought it was a cool exchange. :)
Autism does not mean high IQ.
70% of autistic people are NOT self-suffecient.
There is a myth, of the “idiot savant”, which is the myth that autistic people have savant-like abilities.
They dont.
Its just BS propaganda to gloss over how horrible autism really is.
no disrespect.... since the asperger's diagnosis has been combined, I knew she meant the slice of autists who are asperger's -- which by definition IS high IQ.
I just thought it was cool how she turned the challenges of the asperger's mind from a weakness to a strength.
No disrespect intended.