We are at War!
Comments (4)
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"I Object Your Honor" "Leading the Witness"...
It was never about gender (Male or Female) or about Sexual Orientation (whether heterosexual or other). It has always been about one thing. GOD. They do not want our children to believe in God. God made man and woman. They want to teach our children to question God and therefore not trust in His Divinity. This way they can lead them astray. Groomers, Atheist's, Demons - it is all the same. We must teach our children to be God Fearing, Trusting, Loving members of society. It is up to us alone to teach them. If we don't - they will.
The Groomer teachers are in every school across the country- This is a health class questioner from Missoula Sentinel High School for 14 year olds- we need to remove this agenda from all our schools, If you would love to share your thoughts with them about grooming your child... cschultz@mcps.k12.mt.us 406-728-2403
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Someone asked the other day if famous MAGA people post on here. I think that answers the question.
Such bullshit.