posted ago by TheOverseer ago by TheOverseer +6 / -0

I’m not sure if this has been brought up before. This is in no way a race-baiting post first and foremost. But anytime I go out, to the grocery store, or anywhere, I notice that in any store or public place, 99% of white people in my area do not wear muzzles (masks).

The store by my house I frequent regularly especially, almost none of us white people have masks on. Ever. Also this goes for the Hispanics I see, no masks.

On the other hand, 99% of black people I see are wearing their muzzles, sometimes even gloves. The part that is bothersome is when I take a step back and look at the picture as a whole, you literally have white people walking around, free, breathing, smiling. It looks like modern day slavery. Really.

Black people are muzzled and even have their infants muzzled. We must find a way to show the black folks that they may not realize it, but they are literally a slave to a white man. And his name is Anthony Fauci. Why would any black person be okay with being a slave to a white man? Why would they do everything he says. They are victims of modern day slavery and don’t even realize it.

Why aren’t they waking up? Any ideas?