Got this ban from major Reddit sub's mods after I commented re: the Bucha massacre. IF ONLY YOU KNEW HOW BAD IT REALLY IS. New rule: the next person to compare the GAW mod team to "Reddit-tards" mods will have a pair of rabid, frothing German shepheds sent directly to their IP address!
PUTIN created those Nazis!
I am likely outing myself to any Reddit mods with this, but I was banned from /r/eatcheapandhealthy for saying sour cream and onion potato chips were not healthy.
I was told I don't get to decide what is healthy and unhealthy.
I believe the mod had it out for me because he tried to refute me a few times and I posted .gov links which showed he was wrong.
In other words, that board did not allow one to state monosodium glutamate was a bad thing, but I used .gov sources to drive the same conclusions home in a different fashion.