There will be no quick fix to a problem this deeply rooted in the human condition.
It won't be this year, it won't be next year, it won't be in my lifetime, or ever. Because there is no single moment or action, short of the return of christ, that can solve the problem. Looking for that "it's happening" moment is missing the point.
No it won't be two more weeks from now, it will be one more lifetime of vigilance and repentance. A lifetime of learning how to spot their demonic rituals of cencorship and emotional abuse. A lifetime of building and defending a better culture. A lifetime of raising children who can take on, internalize, and live in healthy balance with this lifelong fight. A lifetime of building a new way of life that helps us live with and fight against the darkness in all of us that gave these demons a foothold in our world. We must take Christ's example, show humility in the face of a grand task. We must accept that our goals are bigger than what we alone can accomplish, give it to God, give it to future generations, bulwark yourself and prepare for the future with those you love.
When I thought the military could come in and set things straight, I was a part of the problem.
God bless, happy Easter, hold the line.
To the doomers
There is linear time, which is what YOU are use to and there is sacred time.
God is outside of linear time and His domain is in sacred time.
So dear impatient ones: “remember they too were mocking and jeering Noah until it began to rain.”
Choose wisely, eternal time is relative.