posted ago by GirlGoat144 ago by GirlGoat144 +32 / -0

Europeans are marched into a digital internment camp:

European Digital Identity: Online consultation platform on European Digital Identity Wallets - https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/news/european-digital-identity-online-consultation-platform-european-digital-identity-wallets

In Bologna, Italy, a social credit system is introduced by the mayor and accompanied by applause. “Virtuous citizens” will score digital points: “Among the most innovative interventions is the smart citizen wallet. <…> "Citizens will be recognized if they separate waste, if they use public transport, if they manage energy well, if they do not take sanctions from the municipal authority, if they are active with the Culture Card".” (https://corrieredibologna.corriere.it/bologna/politica/22_marzo_29/bologna-patente-digitale-cittadini-virtuosi-punti-premi-un-app-tutti-servizi-5a861258-af3a-11ec-9372-638361423a51.shtml)

The World Government Summit, having among its members/partners WEF, IMF, World Bank, WHO, WTO, was held at the end of March, with topics like Designing the Future of Healthcare Systems, Enabling the Future of Education and Work, Building Cities of the Future. (https://www.worldgovernmentsummit.org/home#:~:text=World%20Government%20Summit%202022,29%2D30%20March%202022)

And privatization of nature continues as a “new asset class comes to the market”: “Natural Asset Companies (NACs) are a potential game-changer on a global scale. NACs will be newly formed, sustainable enterprises that hold the rights to the productivity and health of natural assets like land or marine areas. They are a new asset class on the New York Stock Exchange enabling owners to convert nature’s value into financial capital, using that capital to re-invest in the natural assets to protect them or improve their sustainable use.” (https://impactentrepreneur.com/natural-asset-companies-nacs/)