We don’t mean it as in you’re supposed to enjoy the suffering and pain being incurred worldwide. (Tbh, anyone believing this is what we are implying needs their head examined.)
We are in a time in which we are witnessing the Cabal fall. Never before in modern history has any generation been able to witness the veil get lifted and evil gets exposed to the level which we are seeing now. The Great Awakening is in full swing, whether or not you want to admit it.
Never before in modern history has light been so very close to overcoming darkness on this planet.
Never before in modern history have we the people had more power than we possess at this very moment.
Go vote. Get involved locally. Make your voice heard to local representatives. Make your voice heard at school board meetings. Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.
If we collectively do the above-mentioned things, coupled with the good guys we know are on our side - we will witness the fall of the cabal and the birth of a level of freedom no one alive today has ever seen. That’s a fact.
That’s what we mean by “enjoy the show” - Because the opportunity to witness the fall of evil that has ruled this planet for centuries is a once in a lifetime event. And as much as it currently sucks, it is also a blessing to be here to witness it. Remember this - Pain is temporary. It will pass. And after it does, glory takes its place.
It’s going to be Biblical.
“Victory is only reserved for those willing to pay the price”. - Sun Tzu