While YouTube's suggestions algorithm has been corrupted and all but useless for many years, every now and then it will push forward a video that is rather curious and thought provoking.
Today's such video is titled OpenAI's New AI Thinks That Birds Aren't Real, published just a few days back by Two Minute Papers.
In the video the author covers the history of AI and its ability to complete fragmented ideas such as pictures, and writing samples. It is rather shocking how sophisticated these technologies are. There is a saying that goes something like whatever the public has access to technologically, the governments of the world have had for many years.
For those who are not read up on the Dead Internet Theory, the idea is that the majority of "social" interactions that are had on a day to day basis happen between artificial programs that are designed to puppet the human interactions. If you read closely enough on platforms like Twitter and FaceBook you can learn to recognize the signs of artificial sentence construction. It used to be a lot easier to detect, and I have noticed that in recent years there are more and more cases where the boundary between artificial and real has become blurred, in large part because of the many humans who have become more machine like in their social writing due to their television programming. The Mass Formation Psychosis of the past two years has accelerated this machine like quality in many people.
Q brings up bots in a number of their posts.
In Q post 164, Q tells us that the bots will be deactivated upon arrival.
The events of the past days between Elon Musk and Twitter has me thinking that we are nearing this deactivation event, and that this is what has the board of Twitter in a frenzy. They know their platform is infested with artificial puppet accounts.
In Q Post 532, Q discusses the fake news, and references Soros / Loser bots, but does not make it clear whether they are talking about artificial intelligence bots, or the human NPCs that are programmed by the media to act like bots. This brings up an interesting dilemma to the previous Q post 164. It is easy to turn off a machine, but not so easy to deactivate the programming of a human under the influence of Mass Formation Psychosis.
Finally, Q post 564 brings up the nature of counter-narratives, and how the media has been accusing Russia of running bot farms. The famous Q line "When does a bird sing" is also reference, which I now believe to be a direct reference to Twitter and what is happening between them and Elon Musk. The media has been throwing down cover fire for Twitter by accusing Russia of running bot farms, when they knew all along that it was the Silicon Valley tech companies guilty of this behavior.
With Twitter soon to be under Musk's control, and their censorship switches and bot accounts shut down, will we finally see the blue bird begin to sing true? I do think that is coming quite soon.
Their numbers for selling advertising would be exposed as all wrong too.