Regular Ukraine marines surrendered and the only ones left are the Azov Nazi scum and all the NATO lab workers and solders who are trapped with them. My guess is from all the prisoners they already took including NATO officers and a US General they know everything that's down in PIT 404 and it needs to be incinerated rather than trying to go in and capture it.
Where is Hal Turner getting the info though?
usually out of his ASS
Dude is so full of shit in general and cant be trusted as a legit source
NOt saying if this story is accurate or not, just saying in general
Regular Ukraine marines surrendered and the only ones left are the Azov Nazi scum and all the NATO lab workers and solders who are trapped with them. My guess is from all the prisoners they already took including NATO officers and a US General they know everything that's down in PIT 404 and it needs to be incinerated rather than trying to go in and capture it.
Where is all the video for this supposed genocide? I want to see it, this war is so shadowy.
Wouldn’t want to be caught in there with ‘Vac’ ordinance .....
Even Phos and Flame are bad enough if you are caught in there.... but those ‘Vac’ bombs are extremely effective regardless of the depth....
What’s a vac ordinance? Inquiring minds and all...
Ordnance is munitions. I think he is referring to a type of bomb which creates a vacuum that sucks up all the oxygen, suffocating anyone in an area.
Sucks, eh?