"Yuval N. Harari: "Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize total biometric surveillance".
Yuval Noah Harari with Brad Smith, President of Microsoft, and Kristen Davis, CEO and Founder of CinqC on a panel discussing technology and the future of democracy.
This discussion is part of the Athens Democracy Forum 2020."
If everybody understood theory v terrain...ie no such thing as a virus being contagious and that it's the terrain...ie bad water bad food bad air etc that gives us have diseases..then idiots like him would not get a voice.
He talks about getting divine powers but denies there is a divine
Here is whats going under your skin: My Knuckles and a Knuckle Sandwich.
Full version of the first clip shown
"Yuval N. Harari: "Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize total biometric surveillance".
Yuval Noah Harari with Brad Smith, President of Microsoft, and Kristen Davis, CEO and Founder of CinqC on a panel discussing technology and the future of democracy.
This discussion is part of the Athens Democracy Forum 2020."
Evil little fucking goblin
Imagine saying this on Easter of all times.
Proposal to Yuval Noah Harari - lets see if you raise from the dead after you are killed, with these 'divine powers' you claim.
Just say a teacher...we don't use words like Messiah now. If people used the right words these crackpots would disappear.
Whole..balanced...not holy Teacher..not messia Change your attitude...repent Etc
The word means teacher
If everybody understood theory v terrain...ie no such thing as a virus being contagious and that it's the terrain...ie bad water bad food bad air etc that gives us have diseases..then idiots like him would not get a voice.
He talks about getting divine powers but denies there is a divine
Yuval Noah Harari - Science is about power not the truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1DE5v4UGC8
Your divine power and a_ _ will hopefully be hung from up high. You, Schwab, Gates, Fauci are evil to the bone.