The big deal is the mystique surrounding it. Some churches it is literally taboo, others it is measly frowned upon.
You can't get too harsh on a lot of people over this, the Bible literally warns against false teachers, and we have tons of examples.
So then some loon comes in with a book of Enoch or some such saying they have supplementary knowledge from outside the Bible that sheds light on everything.....?
Anyone who doesn't realize this scenario ends with full hostility is an idiot. Christians are trained to be insular in many aspects, including from where you draw source gospel.
Dispite some failings, it is in part what has kept the Holy Bible alive and the Word in-tact over literally millenia. Toss these safeguards aside flippantly at all of our perils.
Having said that, I've met many, MANY pastors, researchers, and scholars who obviously know scripture history, about supportive and other inspired books. Enoch is safe from all but the most simplistic of shepherds and sheepdogs.
You know the date? Think about the prophecy that says antichrist will seek to change the times. Even the paradigm of times has fallen into sun worship. God has a calendar and it's not according to a pope. God has feasts and they don't have anything to do with sun cycles, equinoxes or star patterns.
We're going into a time when we will really need to know our God. In spirit and truth. It's sobering and really quite sad to recognize how corrupted the church is and how poluted our world is. The Remnant will need the full armor of God and that's more than just the helmet.
You are not wrong. It is mainly lack of interest and complacency.
Our society does not well recognize scholarly studies as something to be respected and cherished, rather as something to be regailed with witt, scorn, or the mystique of lunacy. Sad really.
The big deal is the mystique surrounding it. Some churches it is literally taboo, others it is measly frowned upon.
You can't get too harsh on a lot of people over this, the Bible literally warns against false teachers, and we have tons of examples.
So then some loon comes in with a book of Enoch or some such saying they have supplementary knowledge from outside the Bible that sheds light on everything.....?
Anyone who doesn't realize this scenario ends with full hostility is an idiot. Christians are trained to be insular in many aspects, including from where you draw source gospel.
Dispite some failings, it is in part what has kept the Holy Bible alive and the Word in-tact over literally millenia. Toss these safeguards aside flippantly at all of our perils.
Having said that, I've met many, MANY pastors, researchers, and scholars who obviously know scripture history, about supportive and other inspired books. Enoch is safe from all but the most simplistic of shepherds and sheepdogs.
You know the date? Think about the prophecy that says antichrist will seek to change the times. Even the paradigm of times has fallen into sun worship. God has a calendar and it's not according to a pope. God has feasts and they don't have anything to do with sun cycles, equinoxes or star patterns.
We're going into a time when we will really need to know our God. In spirit and truth. It's sobering and really quite sad to recognize how corrupted the church is and how poluted our world is. The Remnant will need the full armor of God and that's more than just the helmet.
You are not wrong. It is mainly lack of interest and complacency.
Our society does not well recognize scholarly studies as something to be respected and cherished, rather as something to be regailed with witt, scorn, or the mystique of lunacy. Sad really.
Well sometimes you don't see how big the lie is until you dive into it.
I mention Jude because that should settle the question of whether Enoch is the inspired Word of God. It IS. What is prophecy?
It's kind of been a tumble into a rabbit hole.