What was the reason for planting two fake Homeland Security agents to bribe Jill Biden's Secret Service detail? Why were there imposter agents infiltrating the White House Secret Service? Why might Joe Biden take a trip to Ukraine? Why have all these plans failed? Who is really in control? PANIC!

Plenty. Mike Lindell literally posing the memo in photo for comms. The activity of US Marines in DC, and active US Special Forces on US soil. Making the USSOF its own military branch. Note that the US Army ran reconnaissance flights over every US city which had riots because they had a foreign element. And then the incoming civilian command were refused briefings on “ongoing secret missions” because they are “pre-decisional”. The “president” who was given the gun salute of a foreign dignitary at an inauguration in which he never was handed the nuclear football was told he could not be told anything about current operations all over the globe or 60k US Special Forces soldiers. National Guard was still active and operating all over the US after the election.
Nah it wasn’t signed. Trump lost the election and let foreign infiltration have its way with the country while he tweets in Florida and the military just happens to be operating on US soil.