It'll take a lot of repetition. The deep state uses that tactic to great effect. We should do likewise.
If you repeat a lie loud enough, long enough, and enough times, it'll become the sheep's truth.
We need to use the same tool but with a different end goal. Repetition of truth can be just as powerful. Even more so.
Rather than looking to simply herd the sheep to a new belief system, we use it AWAKEN them to thinking independently. Which will then lead them to freedom. Win-win.
We just have to do it with patience. Compassion. And love. And sometimes maybe a kick in the pants.
It'll take a lot of repetition. The deep state uses that tactic to great effect. We should do likewise.
If you repeat a lie loud enough, long enough, and enough times, it'll become the sheep's truth.
We need to use the same tool but with a different end goal. Repetition of truth can be just as powerful. Even more so.
Rather than looking to simply herd the sheep to a new belief system, we use it AWAKEN them to thinking independently. Which will then lead them to freedom. Win-win.
We just have to do it with patience. Compassion. And love. And sometimes maybe a kick in the pants.
Thank you. Great meme. :-)