Fog of War. This report doesn't bring anything new to the table. Today we saw supposed communication from Lira saying that he had escaped from where he was hiding. It however had incomplete sentence fragments, spelling errors and other characteristics inconsistent with an educated man like Gonzalo Lira. Likely a faked account by Azov. I'm not buying any of it so far.
still unconfirmed...keep praying!!!
Fog of War. This report doesn't bring anything new to the table. Today we saw supposed communication from Lira saying that he had escaped from where he was hiding. It however had incomplete sentence fragments, spelling errors and other characteristics inconsistent with an educated man like Gonzalo Lira. Likely a faked account by Azov. I'm not buying any of it so far.
R.I.P., good sir.
And castro jr is sending cash and weapons to the murders.