So true! Went into the UPS store yesterday. They had a sign on the door, “Masks not required but strongly encouraged.” Walked in to everyone else wearing their stupid masks and I just smiled really big at them and said, “Hi” with a lot of air on that H. LOL They all sniffled and looked away like the Progressive old ninnies from the Prohibition era. Pinched faces, pearl clutching, self righteous, virtue signaling gone bad, elitist prigs. I just love annoying them when it’s so easy.
So true! Went into the UPS store yesterday. They had a sign on the door, “Masks not required but strongly encouraged.” Walked in to everyone else wearing their stupid masks and I just smiled really big at them and said, “Hi” with a lot of air on that H. LOL They all sniffled and looked away like the Progressive old ninnies from the Prohibition era. Pinched faces, pearl clutching, self righteous, virtue signaling gone bad, elitist prigs. I just love annoying them when it’s so easy.