It is a bold strategy. To pretend to be from China so you can get away with saying things that would get us suspended pretty much instantly. Let's see if it pays off.
In the meantime, it is fun to read.
But the possibility of a foreigner coming here and in one day figuring it out wherein tens of millions of Americans with college degrees still can't figure it out after many years, is very possible.
It is a bold strategy. To pretend to be from China so you can get away with saying things that would get us suspended pretty much instantly. Let's see if it pays off. In the meantime, it is fun to read.
Account is suspended 🙁
Banned from Twitter already, now on Gab
Fell in love after THIS POST LOL
Banned from Twitter already, now on Gab
Very funny, and probably a parody.
But the possibility of a foreigner coming here and in one day figuring it out wherein tens of millions of Americans with college degrees still can't figure it out after many years, is very possible.
Banned from Twitter already, now on Gab
Good way to get the satire of it all out there. The lame broken English with inserted perfect sentence structure gives it away.
Banned from Twitter already, now on Gab
Google "wu wei" and check the Wikipedia definition. Gives another perspective on the posts. Taoist "inaction" actively affecting change.
Says account suspended
Well that didn’t take long. Twitter can’t handle the truth, esp when they’re being mocked.
Banned from Twitter already, now on Gab
Banned from Twitter already, now on Gab