Actually, we used to get a tap on the head from a baseball bat at the start of every woodwork lesson. But one day the teacher threw a chisel at a pupil, narrowly missing him. Said pupil picked up a chair, smashed it over teacher's head and went home. Parents phoned the police. Woodwork teacher took a long holiday and never returned.
I often get a giggle thinking about adults brutally assaulting children with baseball bats for not saying the right words.
Hehe! Haha! What wonderful imagery!
Actually, we used to get a tap on the head from a baseball bat at the start of every woodwork lesson. But one day the teacher threw a chisel at a pupil, narrowly missing him. Said pupil picked up a chair, smashed it over teacher's head and went home. Parents phoned the police. Woodwork teacher took a long holiday and never returned.
Ah, memories of an English education.