here’s a look behind the curtain: the ancients had astrology and used it to great effect. no, not the watered-down shit you’re thinking of that’s everywhere nowadays. if i mention that i’m an actual astrologer to anybody, immediately (right now, even) i run the risk of being called just another delusional brainless sun-sign hippiefaggot. truth is, it’s legit, it works, it’s always been around, and 99.9999% of people are just too stupid to get it. astrology is literally the language of God. and that’s just one (big) example of a very-nearly lost art that barely anybody else knows exists anymore.
here’s a look behind the curtain: the ancients had astrology and used it to great effect. no, not the watered-down shit you’re thinking of that’s everywhere nowadays. if i mention that i’m an actual astrologer to anybody, immediately (right now, even) i run the risk of being called just another delusional brainless sun-sign hippiefaggot. truth is, it’s legit, it works, it’s always been around, and 99.9999% of people are just too stupid to get it. astrology is literally the language of God. and that’s just one (big) example of a very-nearly lost art that barely anybody else knows exists anymore.