We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the Church body through the anointing of oil by the elders of the church and through the laying on of hands in prayer.
This is false doctrine.
1 Corinthians 1 KJV 22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: 23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;
I have better scripture than this, but I'm pressed for time, basically, "anointing of oil" is works and you are saved by faith alone. If you do works for salvation, you will be judged under the whole law. Faith alone in Jesus Christ makes you a part of the Body of Christ, whose Blood has paid the debt of sin.
Ive listened to their sermons a few times, they preach the anointment by oil schtick often, not as often as they simp for jews and then follow it up with offering time.
Personally I like John Haggee. I never really thought he was a grifter, rather he's just one of these pastors who's been deceived into blindly siding with "Israel" because the Khazarians have successfully deceived most Christians.
If you ever listen to his actual sermons, they're REALLY based in literally every other aspect. Honestly, the only preacher I really like better is Charles Lawson in Knoxville Tennessee. He posts a lot of online video sermons that, honestly, are so based that it's a wonder he hasn't been silenced more than he has. He talks about CERN being a gate to hell, and evil pedophile cabals infiltrating every institution, including organized religion like the catholic and southern baptists churches, hussein being a kenyan muslim, clinton being evil incarnate, etc. etc.
Granted he's not a mega church pastor, but figured I'd give him a shoutout anyway. Back on topic, I don't really think John Hagee's a grifter. And as far as churches go, he's really not that big. Have to remember, he's in San Antonio. That's a lot of people, and he didn't start out with a Church that big. It's gradually grown and increased in size throughout his lifetime. When you preach good messages most of the time, you attract more people.
Now having said that, I DO agree most megachurch "pastors" are scum of the earth. Kenneth Copeland and Creflo Dollar come to mind. Copeland in particular is a notable scum bag, for at one point being able to claim to be a billionaire, with his entire fortune being built off of the backs of his deceived Church members. He's since lost money, but he's still worth something like $800 Million. Plus the memes. Look up "copeland long tube full of demons" on youtube. There's so many videos making fun of him for his ridiculous statements trying to justify his stolen wealth.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply, ive been exposing myself to his sermons more and more lately, i find it like a love hate relationship, i hate how he simps for the jews at every turn, but at the same time i have noticed they are based, i may have gone into with a bias, and will still stay weary, im just a fan of the small town church and would like to sway this person into a more grassroots non globalist entity/community.
No problem, and yeah I understand how it's annoying when based pastors simp for things that are obviously evil to us. I personally haven't been to an in person Church sermon in any large capacity since the plandemic started. I stopped going to my old Church after I went back when they opened back up and there were a couple people literally bragging about getting the jab and saying, this is a literal quote by the way, "Bring on the boosters, all the boosters. Everyone should just take all the shots so we can get back to normal". That just turned me off from going there anymore, even the pastor was in on that to a degree. And then the Ukraine crap started and it just got worse.
So I've since relegated myself to watching a few based pastors online on sundays and doing a daily Bible Study of my own, at least until all of this is over and everything get's revealed to the masses.
If you like small town Churches, look into Charles Lawson. Like I said, man is the most based pastor I've ever seen, and he posts most of his sermons online. I'm pretty his most infamous sermon, and the one that got him shadow banned on pretty much every platform, is the one where he talks about the evil's of CERN and how the elite cabal who controlled every world government are trying to open a literal gate to hell in Switzerland.
From their statement of faith
We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the Church body through the anointing of oil by the elders of the church and through the laying on of hands in prayer.
This is false doctrine.
1 Corinthians 1 KJV 22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: 23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;
I have better scripture than this, but I'm pressed for time, basically, "anointing of oil" is works and you are saved by faith alone. If you do works for salvation, you will be judged under the whole law. Faith alone in Jesus Christ makes you a part of the Body of Christ, whose Blood has paid the debt of sin.
Ive listened to their sermons a few times, they preach the anointment by oil schtick often, not as often as they simp for jews and then follow it up with offering time.
Personally I like John Haggee. I never really thought he was a grifter, rather he's just one of these pastors who's been deceived into blindly siding with "Israel" because the Khazarians have successfully deceived most Christians.
If you ever listen to his actual sermons, they're REALLY based in literally every other aspect. Honestly, the only preacher I really like better is Charles Lawson in Knoxville Tennessee. He posts a lot of online video sermons that, honestly, are so based that it's a wonder he hasn't been silenced more than he has. He talks about CERN being a gate to hell, and evil pedophile cabals infiltrating every institution, including organized religion like the catholic and southern baptists churches, hussein being a kenyan muslim, clinton being evil incarnate, etc. etc.
Granted he's not a mega church pastor, but figured I'd give him a shoutout anyway. Back on topic, I don't really think John Hagee's a grifter. And as far as churches go, he's really not that big. Have to remember, he's in San Antonio. That's a lot of people, and he didn't start out with a Church that big. It's gradually grown and increased in size throughout his lifetime. When you preach good messages most of the time, you attract more people.
Now having said that, I DO agree most megachurch "pastors" are scum of the earth. Kenneth Copeland and Creflo Dollar come to mind. Copeland in particular is a notable scum bag, for at one point being able to claim to be a billionaire, with his entire fortune being built off of the backs of his deceived Church members. He's since lost money, but he's still worth something like $800 Million. Plus the memes. Look up "copeland long tube full of demons" on youtube. There's so many videos making fun of him for his ridiculous statements trying to justify his stolen wealth.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply, ive been exposing myself to his sermons more and more lately, i find it like a love hate relationship, i hate how he simps for the jews at every turn, but at the same time i have noticed they are based, i may have gone into with a bias, and will still stay weary, im just a fan of the small town church and would like to sway this person into a more grassroots non globalist entity/community.
No problem, and yeah I understand how it's annoying when based pastors simp for things that are obviously evil to us. I personally haven't been to an in person Church sermon in any large capacity since the plandemic started. I stopped going to my old Church after I went back when they opened back up and there were a couple people literally bragging about getting the jab and saying, this is a literal quote by the way, "Bring on the boosters, all the boosters. Everyone should just take all the shots so we can get back to normal". That just turned me off from going there anymore, even the pastor was in on that to a degree. And then the Ukraine crap started and it just got worse.
So I've since relegated myself to watching a few based pastors online on sundays and doing a daily Bible Study of my own, at least until all of this is over and everything get's revealed to the masses.
If you like small town Churches, look into Charles Lawson. Like I said, man is the most based pastor I've ever seen, and he posts most of his sermons online. I'm pretty his most infamous sermon, and the one that got him shadow banned on pretty much every platform, is the one where he talks about the evil's of CERN and how the elite cabal who controlled every world government are trying to open a literal gate to hell in Switzerland.