223 I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP!!! I HONESTLY DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH MORE OF THIS I CAN HANDLE! God Help Us! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by GodBlessTheUSA22 2 years ago by GodBlessTheUSA22 +223 / -0 102 comments download share 102 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
My solution:worship at home, privately. We don't need a pastor middleman. Or gather like minded friends to pray together. It's all we've ever needed.
Interesting huh that it goes "where two or three are gathered in my name" and doesn't mention "in a church" or "with a priest" or anything else.
Jesus would have his whip out if he generally saw churches in today's times.
Jesus does have his whip out. A lot of churches are going to fall along with the cabal and everything else.
The red door in their logo is certainly metaphorical of the red gates of hell to ye who enter.
Their slogan should simply be “Do as thou wilt”.
This ^^^ X1000