Me too..I have had alI I can take of this crap. These people are all sick, twisted, evil and in rebellion of every God given commandment. It is just too much and there is no end in sight. Shame on churches that openly extol all these alternative lifestyles.
"Trinity is passionate about being a congregation that welcomes, includes, accepts, affirms, embraces, and celebrates all people. And ALL really means ALL! If you are brown, black, or white, if you are poor or rich or somewhere in between, if you are male or female, young, old, or in the middle, if you are gay, straight, bi, or trans, if you have spent time in jail or on the street, if you are struggling with addiction or mental illness, if you are married, single, or divorced, if you have children or not, you have a place in this community of faith. You matter to us! You are valued in God’s kingdom. Trinity cares about you! God adores you!"
The devil's advocate (ha) side of that would be that more or less God says conflicting things. There are ways to rationalize some of the conflicts yes (love the sinner, hate the sin, etc) but in general divine inspiration has to be in part personal.
The idea is that while man got some things wrong writing down God's words, he got all the important parts in there. Who is to decide which are the wrong parts and which are the important parts?
In general you have to go with your own feeling, and assume God guides that feeling.
Me too..I have had alI I can take of this crap. These people are all sick, twisted, evil and in rebellion of every God given commandment. It is just too much and there is no end in sight. Shame on churches that openly extol all these alternative lifestyles.
I'm not religious and this shit disgusts me.
"Trinity is passionate about being a congregation that welcomes, includes, accepts, affirms, embraces, and celebrates all people. And ALL really means ALL! If you are brown, black, or white, if you are poor or rich or somewhere in between, if you are male or female, young, old, or in the middle, if you are gay, straight, bi, or trans, if you have spent time in jail or on the street, if you are struggling with addiction or mental illness, if you are married, single, or divorced, if you have children or not, you have a place in this community of faith. You matter to us! You are valued in God’s kingdom. Trinity cares about you! God adores you!"
And many of the things on that list are abominations that God condemns and God is who we should NOT offend over anyone else.
The devil's advocate (ha) side of that would be that more or less God says conflicting things. There are ways to rationalize some of the conflicts yes (love the sinner, hate the sin, etc) but in general divine inspiration has to be in part personal.
The idea is that while man got some things wrong writing down God's words, he got all the important parts in there. Who is to decide which are the wrong parts and which are the important parts?
In general you have to go with your own feeling, and assume God guides that feeling.
God prompts the heart and speaks to us in many ways, ie; His still small voice (that speaks to our heart and convicts us and directs us)
Dreams-dreams that stick with us that warn, inspire, direct, prompt, give clarity
Sometimes-out loyd and verbal
He only speaks to us when we remain close to Him in prayer and studying His word.