I’ve been wondering about that as well! In this upside down world, there’s ALWAYS TWO ways to look at people and events—what I hope is true and what would stink if it was true. Hope: We are eliminating GMO, toxic food sources and we all need to make sure we have our Victory Gardens in this year. Fear: DS is destroying our food source and we all need to grow our Victory Gardens from now on. It’s funny how either way, I still have to do the same thing! 😏
I’ve been wondering about that as well! In this upside down world, there’s ALWAYS TWO ways to look at people and events—what I hope is true and what would stink if it was true. Hope: We are eliminating GMO, toxic food sources and we all need to make sure we have our Victory Gardens in this year. Fear: DS is destroying our food source and we all need to grow our Victory Gardens from now on. It’s funny how either way, I still have to do the same thing! 😏