I've been getting this feeling that EM buying twatter is a way of minimizing what Truth Social can become and is becoming... My gut tells me not to trust a damned thing Musk is doing... Call me a doomer, call me what you want... But I don't trust this guy as far as I could lift my home... There's something fishy going on round here... Thoughts???
As for nearing the end, I'm of the opinion that we're still in the book of Isaiah... There's something about Musk that raises my hackles... Again it's a gut feeling... I don't know how to explain it but too many things about Musk push me toward the "don't trust this guy" side...
Now that's funny KEKEK!!! But yes Isaiah... Chapter 9... We entered that chapter on 9/11 or right there after when then Senator Barry on the senate floor quoted from chapter 9 verse 10... The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stone. The sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars... In Isaiah when the Israelites said these words, they were snubbing God... Barry hates everything this country is or stands for. When the towers fell, they built the memorial out of hewn stone from the mountains of New York... When building 7 fell, the tree that protected the church where the first congress was held was of the sycamore family. It was replaced with a cedar... when the chosen people of God did this (Turned from God)... God allowed the Syrians and the Phillistines to conquer and enslave his chosen people... When this country was founded it was dedicated to God... When Barry quoted those words on the senate floor, he was basically snubbing God and this country's dedication to God...
You're welcome... I'm far from an expert when it comes to the bible... Just things I've learned along the way... Have a good day... Cheers Anon.. ☕☕☕