Care to elaborate? I have thought long and hard on the "80% dark ops 20% public" thing as well as Q saying full disclosure would destroy the world and put 99% of people in a mental hospital (paraphrasing) and have my own thoughts on it but am wondering what you think.
Is 20% disclosure not good enough even if the other 80% do go down, it's just done on the down-low?
Part of me says fuck it, disclose everything, tell us all of it and let those of us who can handle it start fresh. Part of me says maybe partial disclosure is indeed the way go for the sake of the masses. I honestly believe the entire Catholic church would fall in an instant if all was revealed, for example.
I hear you friend. I'm tired too. So tired that I'm willing to accept 20% public 80% black ops as long as it does mean an end to the rampant corruption and a real new beginning where media and politicians are truly held accountable for their actions, and the framework to ensure this is upheld. If this truly happened, global prosperity and peace would spread like wildfire. The alternative is rather bleak.
I agree with you on religion, but I know that so many here are very religious and their hearts are in the right place as well. If the "Church" can be spared, but the cancer cut out, so be it. They won't need the wealth anymore either so the Vatican's assets will naturally be sold and the wealth distributed globally to the people. Same for the bankers, I reckon they've got a buncha trillion dollars kicking around that they've pillaged from us and all our families.
Care to elaborate? I have thought long and hard on the "80% dark ops 20% public" thing as well as Q saying full disclosure would destroy the world and put 99% of people in a mental hospital (paraphrasing) and have my own thoughts on it but am wondering what you think.
Is 20% disclosure not good enough even if the other 80% do go down, it's just done on the down-low?
Part of me says fuck it, disclose everything, tell us all of it and let those of us who can handle it start fresh. Part of me says maybe partial disclosure is indeed the way go for the sake of the masses. I honestly believe the entire Catholic church would fall in an instant if all was revealed, for example.
I hear you friend. I'm tired too. So tired that I'm willing to accept 20% public 80% black ops as long as it does mean an end to the rampant corruption and a real new beginning where media and politicians are truly held accountable for their actions, and the framework to ensure this is upheld. If this truly happened, global prosperity and peace would spread like wildfire. The alternative is rather bleak.
I agree with you on religion, but I know that so many here are very religious and their hearts are in the right place as well. If the "Church" can be spared, but the cancer cut out, so be it. They won't need the wealth anymore either so the Vatican's assets will naturally be sold and the wealth distributed globally to the people. Same for the bankers, I reckon they've got a buncha trillion dollars kicking around that they've pillaged from us and all our families.
It is actually. Anons later asked for 40% public and Q agreed.