Complaint Filed in Green Bay, Wisconsin Alleges City Clerk Allows Illegal Ballot Harvesting
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The wheels of justice turn slow, but I hope this comes to fruition. Once one domino falls, it should start the chain reaction.
...lets pray that your observation proves to be prescient....
They will never be held accountable by the corrupt AG, DAs, legislature and Supreme Court of Wisconsin.
The investigation itself is handicapped and compromised with Vos holding the purse strings while meeting with Paul Ryan and others behind the curtain.
The root of the entire rigged election is Racine.
Racine was the gateway pivot district used to funnel the election bribery funds and process through the 5 main cities, and was the model used in the key swing states.
All roads lead to Racine.
Only through Jesus Christ and The Truth will the Root be exposed for all to realize the real Agenda beyond the rigged elections. Slavery never ended in Racine. It evolved.
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