Eratosthenes' experiments can't work on a flat earth.
Flat earth can't explain Coriolis effect & differing wind patterns between North & South hemisphere
Flat earth can't explain different moon phases between North & South hemisphere
Flat earth "map" has no scale.
Flat earth has no predictive mathematics. For example, I can write a program and predict where the moon will be in 30 days time, then independently observe my calculations as correct.
Flat earthers seem not to handle trig very well, as trig is the backbone of celestial mathematics.
Eratosthenes' experiments can't work on a flat earth.
Flat earth can't explain Coriolis effect & differing wind patterns between North & South hemisphere
Flat earth can't explain different moon phases between North & South hemisphere
Flat earth "map" has no scale.
Flat earth has no predictive mathematics. For example, I can write a program and predict where the moon will be in 30 days time, then independently observe my calculations as correct.
Flat earthers seem not to handle trig very well, as trig is the backbone of celestial mathematics.