There is a lot more to Holodomor. I believe there are two distinctly different phases of human destruction under USSR. The first part was under Lenin and Trotsky, where they brutally destroyed white christians who did not want to accept the revolution. This was outlined in various writings of Solzhenitsin.
The second part was the Holodomor under Stalin, which primarily affected the Khazarian stronghold - Ukraine. Which also happens to be the bread basket of USSR.
For a long time I did not understand why [they] could create destruction of their own people - and yes, just like Jews were victimized by Zionists under Nazis its possible Cabal could destroy their own people. Except, they never publicise this, and they never try to earn goodie points. They try to memory-hole this, and we all believe because this was primarily due to the evils of Communism.
Let me provide an alternate thesis, that is still under development and hence might be full of holes, nevertheless it is important I believe.
First, the Holodomor happened only after agricultural collectivisation, which happened after 1927 after Stalin took control. Think about why for the first decade when the Communism was in full swing under Lenin/Trotsky, they did not touch the agricultural sector. Let me offer a reason - Khazarian Homeland was the major agricultural areas in USSR.
I believe Stalin took a page from the Sun Tzu art of war. He weaponised communism against the KM. He decided to collectivise agriculture as a way to take control over the Khazarians.
When Stalin collectivised agriculture, the Ukrainians refused to hand over their grains. Clearly, what was good for the goose was not good for the gander, in their minds. Thats when the war escalated and Stalin decided to starve them out if they wouldn't co-operate. He famously said, when asked about the famine "Dont ask me until they start eating their own babies". This disgusting quote, when seen through the lens of what we know about Satanists eating other people's babies, takes a whole different meaning.
All of Stalins purges were aimed at the people who supported Trotsky - who was the agent of the Cabal. The purges were really purging the Cabal controlled puppets. History has no clear explanation of this seemingly irrational and over the board purges except to call him crazy and paranoid and a megalomaniac. This is what Cabal does to dismiss leaders who go against them - like Gaddafi, Saddam, Putin and even Trump.
By the time Stalin died, USSR was irreversibly lost to the Cabal. Kruschev was a Cabal guy they bought in, and he tried to undo a lot of stuff Stalin did. Under him they tried highly ambitious scams such as Cuban missile crisis. Breznev, who came after him took back control and continued Stalin era operations.
I believe Cabal had already decided to pull the plug. The whole Afghan war was intended to bleed our USSR and make it die. Breznev, Andropov, and Chernenko all died within a span of 3 years, until came Gorbachev who was another huge Cabal agent and whose only task was to dissolve USSR.
Was Stalin an enemy of the Cabal? Was Holodomor the result of his attack against the Cabal? While I cant definitively answer it, there is surely enough here to dig further.
I have a hard time believing murdering millions of white Christians was a fight against the KM. Makes no sense to me.
Why did thousands of Churches get burned but no synagogues ?
There is a lot more to Holodomor. I believe there are two distinctly different phases of human destruction under USSR. The first part was under Lenin and Trotsky, where they brutally destroyed white christians who did not want to accept the revolution. This was outlined in various writings of Solzhenitsin.
The second part was the Holodomor under Stalin, which primarily affected the Khazarian stronghold - Ukraine. Which also happens to be the bread basket of USSR.
For a long time I did not understand why [they] could create destruction of their own people - and yes, just like Jews were victimized by Zionists under Nazis its possible Cabal could destroy their own people. Except, they never publicise this, and they never try to earn goodie points. They try to memory-hole this, and we all believe because this was primarily due to the evils of Communism.
Let me provide an alternate thesis, that is still under development and hence might be full of holes, nevertheless it is important I believe.
First, the Holodomor happened only after agricultural collectivisation, which happened after 1927 after Stalin took control. Think about why for the first decade when the Communism was in full swing under Lenin/Trotsky, they did not touch the agricultural sector. Let me offer a reason - Khazarian Homeland was the major agricultural areas in USSR.
I believe Stalin took a page from the Sun Tzu art of war. He weaponised communism against the KM. He decided to collectivise agriculture as a way to take control over the Khazarians.
When Stalin collectivised agriculture, the Ukrainians refused to hand over their grains. Clearly, what was good for the goose was not good for the gander, in their minds. Thats when the war escalated and Stalin decided to starve them out if they wouldn't co-operate. He famously said, when asked about the famine "Dont ask me until they start eating their own babies". This disgusting quote, when seen through the lens of what we know about Satanists eating other people's babies, takes a whole different meaning.
All of Stalins purges were aimed at the people who supported Trotsky - who was the agent of the Cabal. The purges were really purging the Cabal controlled puppets. History has no clear explanation of this seemingly irrational and over the board purges except to call him crazy and paranoid and a megalomaniac. This is what Cabal does to dismiss leaders who go against them - like Gaddafi, Saddam, Putin and even Trump.
By the time Stalin died, USSR was irreversibly lost to the Cabal. Kruschev was a Cabal guy they bought in, and he tried to undo a lot of stuff Stalin did. Under him they tried highly ambitious scams such as Cuban missile crisis. Breznev, who came after him took back control and continued Stalin era operations.
I believe Cabal had already decided to pull the plug. The whole Afghan war was intended to bleed our USSR and make it die. Breznev, Andropov, and Chernenko all died within a span of 3 years, until came Gorbachev who was another huge Cabal agent and whose only task was to dissolve USSR.
Was Stalin an enemy of the Cabal? Was Holodomor the result of his attack against the Cabal? While I cant definitively answer it, there is surely enough here to dig further.
I have a hard time believing murdering millions of white Christians was a fight against the KM. Makes no sense to me. Why did thousands of Churches get burned but no synagogues ?
The first part under Lenin and trotsky - murdering white Christians and destroying churches were definitely part of the evil Cabal.
I am trying to show the distinction between this and the later holodomor, which was death due to famine in Ukraine under Stalin
Thank you. It seems to me all the talk about the Holocaust is mostly a major distraction from this topic.
Absolutely, I had never heard about this until this thread.