FYI: Antifa was created in 1930 by the German Communist Party (KPD) as domestic terrorists to use physical violence against German Christians attempting to participate in political rallies or vote.
This was done in preparation for the KPD's failed communist coup attempt of 1933.
This is who the German police and the German "papers please" checkpoints were looking for: treasonous communist criminals. They weren't hunting innocent little Jewish girls who hid trembling under floorboards like our communist Jewish Hollywood director's claim.
Yes, most of these communists happen to be Jews in the same way that the Bolshevik leadership of 1917 were also almost exclusively Jewish.
Why is Antifa all not in federal prison for being interstate organized crime?
...very good question...
...perhaps it is because they have friends in "high places"....
haha that skinny ass faggot looks like an Ethiopian must have AIDs from sharing needles and his butthole with his fellow faggot comrades
FYI: Antifa was created in 1930 by the German Communist Party (KPD) as domestic terrorists to use physical violence against German Christians attempting to participate in political rallies or vote.
This was done in preparation for the KPD's failed communist coup attempt of 1933.
This is who the German police and the German "papers please" checkpoints were looking for: treasonous communist criminals. They weren't hunting innocent little Jewish girls who hid trembling under floorboards like our communist Jewish Hollywood director's claim.
Yes, most of these communists happen to be Jews in the same way that the Bolshevik leadership of 1917 were also almost exclusively Jewish.
I am very intrigued by this, and don't doubt you. But your summary is still above my head