In the coming wave of “my body my rights” be sure to wonder aloud to these same people about the terrible thing baby boys are subjected to at birth in this country.
If you are concerned about tortured children being harvested and parts of evil rituals, be sure to set your heart against the routine genital mutilation of infants too.
Completely agree it is a horrible ritual that the board of pediatrics still stands by bc of "cleanliness" reasons. I went against my gut feeling bc my husband and pediatrician felt we should and my son wound up getting a half circ bc the dr fucked up and then he(and me) wound up in icu 7 days later bc he developed a staph infection from it. I know my sons case is rare but this shit happens. The urologist even said doing anything when they're older is extremely risky and painful and to just leave it. Sharing for others that have to make this decision.
Foreskins exist for a reason. Protection and sensitivity. For God's sake, just teach male children to pull it back, wash themselves, rinse very well, pat dry. Women won't tell the other reasons why havinfg a non-circumsized partner is an advantage. But those reasons exist.
If you’re talking about circumcision I’ve had this conversation with the male members of my family and they all support it. My sister married a Hispanic man whose family didn’t practice it and her brother in law had to get one at the age of 22 because of infection and said it was horrific. I’ve heard that from many. My brother just said the other day he argued with a woman about it and she told her she was crazy and that he wouldn’t change it and risk having it done older. Not a man so I can’t say for myself but my husband is pro circumcising and all our boys are. Knowing how terrible they are with hygiene I’m guessing they are probably better off but again not a man.
Babies can’t consent to having their reproductive organs surgically altered and parts of it amputated. Educate yourself on the hygiene aspect these are based on wives tales and poor studies. If it were not good God would have not made us this way and Paul condemns it as a ritual practice - and you probably shower with drinking water and can keep anatomy more complex than a little flap of skin clean. If you think a man is incapable of this then you have other problems I can’t help with. The amount of nerves in a prepuce rival the tip of your tongue, your finger tips, and even your clitoral hood. This is indeed a torturous thing doctors have done to your husband and children, learn about what is happening to men every day against their will.
Are you a man who this happened to and are angry? Sorry if that happened to you but every single man I know supports it. At this point it is far far to late as my oldest is almost an adult and none of my family has a problem with it. You can continue to try to convince people but I don’t see you having much luck with people like my husband and boys
You are right people are set in their ways. The part that upsets me most is that it happens to millions of men and nobody bats a lash. That patch of skin on an adult has about the surface area of an iPhone, it protects tissues that are the same kinds of tissue as inside your mouth or organs, keeps it from getting rough and callous. There is an infant mortality rate tied to it you will never see honest statistics of but it is an extremely invasive procedure that damages a lot of nerves. There are a host of issues tied to this ultimately cosmetic change. New studies come out debunking myths because Europe and Asia have men that live perfectly healthy lives without the need to cut highly sensitive parts of their body off. I just wanted to put my two bits out there, maybe your grandchildren or their children will make different choices to not have their children cut up as a welcome into this world.
I hope one day when people stop listening to the Faucis about triple masking and getting their fifteen boosters to slow the spread…
…that people also stop listening to the Faucis of the world about having healthy parts of their children’s body cut off.
I see your point and you could be right, again not man so it’s much more difficult for me to have a first hand opinion. I don’t trust doctors anymore but I’ve been raised to trust doctors and knowledge. It’ll be interesting what the next few years bring as more and more people stop trusting the Fauci’s
I would not have consented.
I’m sorry if you were circumcised against your will and are angry about it now. I’m just stating you won’t convince someone like my husband or boys or his family of mostly men. I guarantee it!
Circumcision is barbaric. Period. It causes problems spiritually, physically and emotionally.
They have this new thing called soap, much more effective.
Completely entitled to your opinion, all the men in my family support it and as I come from a family of almost all women as a kid and then marrying into a family with almost all brothers…I had 5 sisters dad died when I was young, raised by all women for the most part I take the experiences and advice of my husband and respect it. All the men in my family are wonderful spiritually, physically and emotionally. Can’t say the same for the women in my family though there isn’t anything I have seen to get me to agree with you. Also I wanted to add, I was almost late getting my special needs son on the bus because I was responding (I have a problem sometimes) and I mentioned to the bus driver who is also a mom to a boy about the conversation and why I was almost late. She agrees with me and mentioned her sister is adopting/foster and had to petition the court to get the kid circumcised and the judge said it was a no brainer. Which led me to think about my special needs son who is going to be 9 in September. He is developmentally 2 and yeah if he was not circumcised it would be a nightmare for us to clean and I have no doubts he would get regular infections and have to have it done which would be horrible to try to deal with it as he won’t take any medications. Can you imagine trying to clean a developmentally delayed preteen or teens penis for him? He does not wipe his own bottom or wash his hair himself, it’s already hard enough. We can’t get him proper haircuts because of sensory issues and he gets scared so he has longer hair. You will never be able to convince me that not doing it would have been better. As his mother I feel if it’s not the best it was the best in the situation.
Your child already has special needs and our quarrel is with the routine of needlessly amputating parts of boys bodies. People may have pinhole phimosis or short frenulums or any kind of issue that may necessitate this procedure and it should be a decision they make with parents and a doctor. It’s absolutely not medically necessary for any man to have this done by default default otherwise God would not have made us like this. It was commanded of Abraham so he could mark his family and his slaves as part of a covenant with his offspring not because humanity grew faulty anatomy.
Thank you for the strength to look out for your son, and your whole family, and your community. Most everyone here understands the layers of social pressure and normalization this situation sits under. You’re quite brave for even speaking up about it to anyone and we thank you, because there are many out there who suffer in silence and get ridiculed for being upset .
Thank you for that, I was just speaking with my sister about this and being a parent is tough. I’m just trying to explain parents who choose to do it aren’t bad parents trying to mutilate their kids, I vaccinated all my kids because I trusted the doctors. I don’t anymore…I don’t trust vaccines. Maybe circumcising is bad but you’ll have a difficult time convincing those who do it and believe it’s good. I don’t mind if people ridicule me, not fun but I’m trying to just give another perspective. As parents I truly believe most of us are trying to protect our kids. We just don’t have all the info. My husband and boys are healthy and happy. My special needs son is the happiest kid in the world it seems. He is truly an angel on earth meant to challenge me but I really am trying to trust God to help me protect them and do what’s right.
We all know not to blame our parents or even the well meaning doctors who did everything in their power to successfully bring us healthy into this world. We are dealing with evil and principalities in high places, this is a spiritual battle. Your family is fine and healthy and it’s very rare somebody is severely harmed by this beyond the obvious. You love your family and continue to do what is best for them, all we can do is place the seeds that will continue to crack the foundations of this empire of evil. Knowing you’ve even questioned it and talked about it is rain on a thirsty garden. Thank you so much for taking care of your family but also hearing our woes.
Thank you for sharing your information as well! If my anti vax friends hadn’t shared with me I may not have questioned so much with covid but I had friends plant the seeds years before. That’s how we change things I guess.
It’s true, love is patient. May the holy one watch over your family.