There was a foreigner filling up their Prius. Another dude pulled up in his loud sounding car. Nice car. While he was filling up the foreigner started on his case telling him that he is wasting gas and terrible for the environment and really needs to get a car that does guzzle so much gas. While she too was consuming gas. He walked away from her and continued on his way. Then she started calling him American Scum, in America.... So he turned around and told her, "then go back to where you came from and stop harassing me". So all I knew how to be productive for what I was witnessing was slowly creeping by in my car blasting Yankee doodle and thanked the guy for being American scum and he replied proud to be.
Gas station drama and how I contributed
🏡 Local WIN 🏘️
I have two hybrids and solar panels on my house.
Not because I think “fossil” fuels are destroying our environment (the “additives” put in them are absolutely terrible, but CO2 is plant food) but because I’m a cheap weasel trying to manage my household expenses and lessen the yoke of slavery to fake fiat money.
The self-righteous nonsense coming from people who have the means to choose more efficient energy sources is so annoying. Granted, I’m a cheap weasel and somebody had to buy my cars new and take care of them for a decade before I got them, so I don’t mind too much. I’m excited to get my first Tesla in 2030.
Same for us - we drive a Prius in addition to a truck, and we had solar panels put on our house several years ago. I'm not against alternative energy, I'm against the government FORCING it on us. I'm FOR saving money. If the government would focus on making the technology more efficient instead of on passing regulations to eliminate our choices, alternative technology would grow naturally, albeit more slowly.
And, by the way - I have never put anyone down for not driving a hybrid! It's a choice; this is America, and in America, we used to be known for honoring individual freedom.
I would be so down to get solar panels for my house cause free power.