There was a foreigner filling up their Prius. Another dude pulled up in his loud sounding car. Nice car. While he was filling up the foreigner started on his case telling him that he is wasting gas and terrible for the environment and really needs to get a car that does guzzle so much gas. While she too was consuming gas. He walked away from her and continued on his way. Then she started calling him American Scum, in America.... So he turned around and told her, "then go back to where you came from and stop harassing me". So all I knew how to be productive for what I was witnessing was slowly creeping by in my car blasting Yankee doodle and thanked the guy for being American scum and he replied proud to be.
Gas station drama and how I contributed
🏡 Local WIN 🏘️
They can get to their place by deportation.