posted ago by SovereignSon ago by SovereignSon +22 / -0

"The one hundred and forty-four thousand is not a head-count, but a number representing who they are. I am confident that out of the ages God has many more than 144,000! Can you imagine an age governed by a people filled with the mind of Christ, conformed to His image, led by His Spirit, endued with the fullness of His authority and power? Can you even comprehend what it would be like for 144,000 manifest sons of God (if it were a literal number), 144,000 reproductions of Jesus Christ in all the glory, wisdom, authority, and power of His resurrection, turned loose on this world to speak the words of God and to do the works of God with no limitation at all? That would be almost a thousand manifest sons of God for each nation on earth!"

"In interpreting scripture, one of the worst things that can be done is to take numbers and interpret them literally rather than discovering the meaning of the number. In other words, the key to the understanding of a scripture with numbers is the value of the number. So, then, we need to ask the Lord, “What does this number 144,000 mean?” The explanation is that 144,000 = 12 X 12 X 1000. Twelve in scripture is the number denoting divine government. We will not take time to explain that here, as we have gone into detail about it in previous studies. Now, twelve times twelve is twelve squared by itself, giving the number 144. One hundred forty-four is thus the divine government of God brought to its highest expression. It is divine government multiplied bydivine government — the absolute fullest and most ultimate manifestation of the kingdom rule of God!"

"Further breaking down the number 144,000, we come to the word “thousand.” This word in Greek is chilides. We meet this word various times throughout the Revelation, not least of which is the fact that the saints are to reign with Christ for a thousand years. One thousand is the number signifying THE DAY OF THE LORD. The apostle Peter makes this very plain in his second epistle. “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (II Pet. 3:8). It is my conviction that this means more than the idea that every period of one thousand years is counted as one “day” with God. Beyond that it reveals the great truth that the term “thousand years” stands for THE DAY OF THE LORD. It is the LORD’S DAY! To reign with Christ for a thousand years means to rule with Christ in the power and glory of the day of the Lord. This is not a mathematical number, denoting an exact duration of earth-time, but a spiritual number revealing the reality it stands for — the unlimited, never-ending, infinite day of the Lord! The day of the Lord is the day of His illumination, of His arising and bright shining, of His revelation and unveiling, of His glory, majesty, and power! Oh, yes! And this is what manifest sonship is all about, a people formed into the full and ultimate expression of the divine government of God, bringing to pass in the earth the illumination, glory, and power of the eternal day of the Lord! It is 12 X 12 X 1000. That is what it means!"

This part of a larger study:
