5DWeBe 3 points ago +3 / -0

I honestly don’t think I’ve seen the sun in two weeks or more here in the Midwest. It’s been very depressing. When I mention it, people look at me like I’ve said something wrong or I’m crazy, because they realize they haven’t noticed it themselves. It’s become normal for most. It’s not normal.

5DWeBe 2 points ago +2 / -0

U/moodyblue I just noticed I never responded to you a couple times. I used to be the same with Lavender. I think it was the synthetic smell of it that turned me away. Once I started using a good quality lavender and growing my own and rubbing my hands through it all summer I learned to love it and it no longer gives me headaches. And thanks for linking a Trump interview for me. You are always helpful....it’s appreciated.

I have the most perfect video to go with your comment about sun. He begins discussing how incandescents are back!!! I am elated about this win. I’ve always made sure to not have LED in my home. He also talks about how light is healing and gives an incredible recommendation of books on the subject. I am now planning to make my own light therapy box. I will link a website he mentions. It’s about 38min. Totally worth the time.


And...the video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ozInNWf0cD0

5DWeBe 9 points ago +9 / -0

Did you see the #2 movie right now, Menu? It’s weird as hell. Like really weird. When it finished I literally said out loud, “what the hell did I just watch?” The only message I could take from it was hypnosis, maybe? I felt a little hypnotized myself after watching it. Which leads me to my theory that not all people can be hypnotized. Which is why there are groups like us that can see through the current bullshit.

5DWeBe 2 points ago +2 / -0

We had a big black spike on the Schumann chart around this time. This is indicative of a timeline jump. If you “believe” in those sort of things that’s exactly why you awoke. I woke too. Most highly intuitive and energetic people respond to these anomalies.

5DWeBe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Was Kendrick Lamar the rapper who had the satanic trampling incident at one of his concerts? He’s the halftime performer.....

5DWeBe 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is by far our entire families favorite moisturizer for face, hair and body. It even helps the terrible red chapped baby and kid face after playing outside this time of year. It works on skin and hair. Love this stuff. I have very naturally blonde dry hair and it revives my strands in a instant and my skin drinks it up. You can see a change in your complexion almost instantly minimizing pores and fine lines. I always get compliments on my complexion after I’ve been using it religiously. Amazon has it for a decent price.


5DWeBe 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a very accurate description of Walmart and Sams. Well done sir.

5DWeBe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anyone have a video of Trump visiting California talking about water in a fire house? Sorry vague description, but my dad saw a clip and said Democrats were fawning over him and thanking him and being very appreciative. I’m wondering what the heck he’s talking about.

5DWeBe 1 point ago +1 / -0

U/JohnTitor17 let me share something with you...I have the house to myself for the first time in months. I am an energy worker of sorts. I was able to meditate and tune my vibration for the first time in a very long time. You replied to a comment I made about chemtrail dooming I made earlier in the day and it raised my vibration, made me not so “doomy.” I’ve really been feeling that way lately. Later on, I went to my archived posts to watch the recent video of the woke he/she pastor and the Trump’s in church. I had this thread archived right below it. I’ve read every single word. I almost feel it was spoken to me to come to this thread.

Your one sentence summary of the Monad really resonated upon my first reading of this post and my reading tonight. It also reminded me of the awakening I had in college when I heard it once in a religions class and never heard it again. I have a knack of knowing truth the moment I hear it. I can only describe it as a vibration sent through the atmosphere to my soul.

"...in which he comprehends that all this creation is substantially nothing but a mere idea-play of God's own nature, and that NOTHING IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE EXISTS BESIDES YOUR OWN SELF." 👇🏽 That is why... Where We Go One, We Go ALL

I’m sure you posted about it somewhere on here but Sept. 16 2024 was the Diddy arrest. Which goes with the verses and the 1335 day prediction.

We vibrate on the same frequency. Keep vibing my friend. WWG1WGA

Edit: I forgot to add the thread I was talking about. https://greatawakening.win/p/1994fUiPCB/timetravel-poser-johntitor17-dat/

5DWeBe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wish I would have seen your comment before I doomed about the chemtrails still happening under Trump administration. This is a possibility as to why they are still occurring. Thanks anon.

5DWeBe 5 points ago +5 / -0

Chemtrails don’t sit right with me now that Trump’s in office. I was hoping he would halt that at the get go. What’s the reason for them to continue. Does he have the power to stop them immediately?

5DWeBe 2 points ago +3 / -1

My biggest fear is the lefties will think he manipulated it or made up all the declas he’s going to reveal and we will be playing this long game all over again. They hate him so much they won’t believe anything he does or says during his term and here we will all be blindly following thinking it going to get better like we have been for years. With all do respect, there’s the slightest possibility he’s one of “them.” I’m not dooming, I swear. Just being logical and not 100% following any one thing because frankly, none of us really know what’s going on.

5DWeBe 8 points ago +8 / -0

Same boat here. We bought a really nice stove and wanted to finance and pay off quickly for a rebate they were offering. We could have paid it in full and not blinked an eye. They still make you feel like a loser you don’t “qualify.” We snickered and bought it straight from the manufacturers website.

5DWeBe 5 points ago +5 / -0

My thoughts exactly. He did it on purpose, he doesn’t mess up. Was it because the judge needed to tell him to do it? Trump pointed right at the judge too. In his signature, “I’ve got you” point. It game me a deeded feeling also.

5DWeBe 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the homeless epidemic started because it fed into their satanic ritual/human trafficking agenda. They can go in and clear out a group of homeless and none would be the wiser. No one would miss them and they would have fresh bodies for what they do with them.

5DWeBe 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had this thought too. I watched a video here a week or so ago where Cliff said this was going to happen. I didn’t believe it then, but I’m starting to think his prediction might hold some value.

5DWeBe 2 points ago +2 / -0

I came to find your aforementioned final post. Either I don’t see it or you haven’t done it yet. I’ve heard of the three days of darkness where evil roams and quite frankly it scared the shit out of me. I can’t remember where I saw it or where it originated from but I remember it being credible. Tag me. I don’t want to miss it.

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